Teeth & Nail Session - 4th December 2022
Can you please confirm if you are attending because if not then your slot can be given to someone on the waiting list. Many thanks
13:50 - Ty (Ashbank Ty)
14:00 - )Kev
14:10 - )Martha
14:20 - Beau (Bally Brazil Zebo)
14:30 - Brandy (Hopalong Randy)
14:40 - )Jason (Forest Jason)
14.50 - )Darcy
15:00 - Spinney (Corrakelly Posh)
15:10 - )Suki (Trapstyle Zuri)
15:20 - )Hilda
15:30 - Edith (Boozed Edith)
15:40 - Rosie (Granree Rose)
15:50 - Lenny (Bound Tobe Lenny)
16:00 - Blossom (Lughill Blossom)
16:10 - ) Rebel (Xmas Rebel)
16:20 - ) Lizzie (Ballygibbon Liz)
16:30 - Lexi (Swift Lexi)
16:40 - Pippa (Vacant Places)
16:50 - Alice (Catrigg Cloud)
17:00 - Lucy (Matts Limit)
17:10 - Lisha (Baby Shanlish)
* * * * * * * * * *
Olive (Trapstyle Thea)
Jet (Bowerash Wanda)
Twister (
Nico (Allowdale Blue)
) Jack
) Mollie (
Alfie (
Elsie (
Murray (Mustang Murray)